






 今日のセミナーのトピックは自由でしたので、参加者それぞれが自身の案件について話し合い、新しいアイデアが次々と飛び交いました。一人では進まなかった案件が、グループ内での対話を通じて具体的な計画へと変わっていくのです。1D1U Campで顔見知りの仲間たちとは、自己紹介が不要なほどお互いを理解しているため、会話が自然と深まります。





あまりに濃厚な1日で笑 隊長の存在そのものから受けるエネルギーというかインスピレーションというかも大きくて、濃厚ななにかが体に渦巻いています笑
今年は久しぶりに1D1Uにも参加して、年末にはこんな時間を持たせていただいて、おかげで本当にいい一年だった、来年も楽しみだ! と思うことができました。








隊長:「時間がある。暇。ゆとりのある」非日常空間に足を踏み入れて頂きありがとうございました。違う世界で起こっている話も勇気を持って一歩踏み出せば、聴けるものですね。指輪・ネックレス・ブレスレットは、落すこともないし、安心です。(笑)たまにお手入れをすれば、長持ちしますし、旅先でも探すのも良い思い出となります! いま味わったことが、よき未来へとつながることを願っています!


 来年もまた皆様にお会いできることを楽しみにしています。どんな話題やアイデアが飛び交うでしょうか? 来年も、パーティーバーレルのカロリーを気にすることなく、1時間くらい食べ続けることを思うと、今からニヤッとしてきます。(笑)皆様、どうぞ良いお年をお迎えください!

 2次会以降は、Fashion Source BLOGにて。

[Editor's Note] Tokyo Group Session & Party Barrel Gathering

In a corner of my condominium, since the grand opening of KFC, an annual event called the "Party Barrel Gathering" has been held towards the end of the year. Although many of us don't drink alcohol, the event is always lively, often going on for 8 hours! This year too, it continued until almost 11 pm.

Our condominium's common area has a professional karaoke studio with a stand microphone, where we enjoy singing after the group session. From my room, we watch the annual Odaiba fireworks in December. Then, we pick up a barrel from KFC and continue with the Party Barrel Gathering. Everything happens within the condominium.

This time, the group session was held in my room. At 2 pm, the gentle winter sunlight streamed into the room. My room is so sunny that heating is unnecessary even in winter, like basking in the sun.

Participants are always overwhelmed by the jungle-like greenery in my room. This year, thanks to a special liquid fertilizer called "Domo" and an evolved watering method, my plants were more vibrant than ever.

My room has a unique flow of time, with the clock hung out of sight and only the expansive sky visible from the window, with no people or cars in sight.

For this seminar, I prepared a BAG for the participants. Inside were a uniquely designed Campus notebook (A5 size), a smooth-writing BIC ballpen, snacks, and a Christmas bouquet as a special souvenir. It's rare to receive bouquets in everyday life. I usually give more than receive, but getting a bouquet at the end of the year feels like a harbinger of joyous future events.

The seminar topic was open, so participants discussed their own projects, and new ideas flew back and forth. Projects that were stalled progressed into concrete plans through group dialogue. As we know each other well from the 1D1U Camp, introductions were unnecessary, deepening the conversation naturally.
I also shared my recent thoughts with everyone. In the post-Covid world, the advance of AI and borderless communication is evident. For example, publishing an English version book on Amazon.com has become as easy as a Japanese version, which was unimaginable just a year ago. This made me realize that the world is our market. Like the emergence of ChatGPT last year, we might be embarking on unimaginable new endeavors in 2024. Constant access to new information expands our possibilities infinitely. With this hope, the group session concluded.

**Feedback from Participants**

- **Ms. K**: "Thank you for the enjoyable and fulfilling Party Barrel Gathering yesterday. I'm deeply grateful for your thoughtful hospitality. The energy and inspiration I get from you swirl inside me. Facing a crossroads now, but yesterday's clear feelings feel like a letter from the future, making me look forward to what comes next. It's been a great year with 1D1U and this event, and I'm excited for next year. Thank you again, and looking forward to next year!"
- **Captain**: "Thank you for participating in yesterday's Group Session & Party Barrel Gathering. The time spent with all of you was valuable to me too. The energy and inspiration we felt are like 'Domo', a vitality booster for plant growth! Looking forward to discussing new dimensions at next year's gathering!"

- **Ms. Y**: "Thank you everyone for yesterday 😊. I went to taste the extraordinary and did just that. It's a bit of a stretch for me, but hearing different stories from a world unlike my daily life feels like gaining life experience. While you were making onion soup, I confessed feeling 'no time, busy, exhausted, no leeway.' But a meditation book I read on the train home said, 'Those people need TM meditation. It's better to meditate for 20 minutes, even if it means cutting down on sleep. It takes you deeper than sleep.' I guess I should do it (←'should' creeping in). The total fashion at the end was fun too. Lost an earring when I got home 😢, but it made me want to find my favorite necklace and bracelet. I was full enough to skip breakfast this morning 😋. Thank you for a fun and delicious time 😊."
- **Captain**: "Thank you for stepping into the 'time-rich, leisurely' extraordinary space. Stepping out with courage lets us hear stories from different worlds. Rings, necklaces, and bracelets won't get lost, and they last long with occasional care. They also make great souvenirs on trips! I hope what you experienced today leads to a good future!"

To everyone who participated, thank you very much. Handing out bouquets at the end of the seminar felt like another chapter closing. Reflecting on the fun of the "Party Barrel Gathering" makes me think, "This year was truly wonderful." I look forward to meeting all of you again next year. What topics and ideas will we share then? Just thinking about indulging in Party Barrel's calories for about an hour next year makes me grin already. I wish you all a happy new year!

**Postscript for the Blog**: For more details on the after-party and other events, check out the Fashion Source Blog.