次回は、スイスのクライアントさんの日本旅行に併せて、7月に開催の予定です! また、笑いすぎて腹筋崩壊するでしょう。ありがとうございました。
Osaka Group Session Summary: Unraveling Past Foreshadowing and a Worry-Free Mindset
During our group session, we shared recent experiences and exchanged thoughts on them. Conversations flowed, turning spontaneous questions into discussion topics. I mainly listened, occasionally facilitating the debate. Laughter was constant, and many insights and discoveries emerged. The process of moving towards unknown conclusions is the essence of our group sessions.
Ms. M brought a birthday garland, likely giving the café outside the glass window the appearance of a birthday party. Listening skills became a focal point of our discussion. Ms. C shared her struggle with listening to others without getting distracted by her thoughts about what to say next.
On the other hand, Ms. T was pointed out for always listening quietly and providing positive feedback at the end of conversations. Ms. C was curious about how to listen without any preconceptions, to which Ms. T laughingly replied that nothing comes to his mind, a trait since his childhood. Though he didn't view his quiet childhood positively, Ms. C suggested it might be benefiting his current job. Ms. T seemed enlightened, realizing a moment of reclaiming what he considered a negative aspect of his childhood. Truly, the magic of group sessions!
The latter part revolved around the question, "What is worrying?" Ms. C asked me if I ever hesitate or worry. My response, "What's worrying?" led to Ms. M bursting into laughter, calling me "an alien from a different planet!" I believe in taking responsibility for my decisions and moving forward rather than worrying. Thus, we concluded that worrying stems from not taking action. I feel like I've finally managed to give a proper answer to a question I've been asked several times throughout my life.
This session was a celebration of each participant's growth and an opportunity to vividly envision the future. With the courage to act without worry, we optimistically agreed that the future would unravel the foreshadowing. Such momentum will make actions easier and potentially transform the future positively. "It's rare to see such ongoing evolution in people in their 40s and 50s!" we praised each other. Indeed, having a supportive group to encourage one another is invaluable. Considering everyone's journey through the UPDATE Seminar, 12 Years a Blogger Seminar, It's a sign Seminar, and UTM Seminar, this outcome seems natural.
After the session, we headed to an Italian restaurant for dinner. Without a reservation, they managed to order a birthday dessert for me on the spot. What a lovely surprise.
The next session is scheduled for July, coinciding with a Swiss client's trip to Japan. Prepare for another session filled with laughter and perhaps abdominal muscle breakdown. Thank you.